Colors and Their Associations
White: principle of expansion, illumination, revelation, all primary colors within.
Red: associated with pink, brown, and yellow.
Blue: associated with black and green.
Yellow: associated with red.
Black: hidden, concealed, secret.
Combined white, red, black: associated with an archetype of elegba and the revelation of a dangerous secret. This composition is most complex but its basic cosmic correction should be well understood.
Color Values
White: sperm, urine, rain water, sky, exposure or exterior of areas, reflection, mirror.
Red: blood, menses, fire, without the presence of black represents danger or infertility.
Blue: correspond to black values.
Yellow: correspond to red values.
Black: corresponds to essentials that are transformable for creating form, conception, absorption.
Since the topic is expansive, I’ll limit this part of the presentation to basic correlations using my candle experiment illustrated in the video. The four primary colors appear with an interesting structure. Viewing from bottom up we see the black + red dot fire at tip. It is surrounded by a lower portion of blue and upper portion of yellow. This means the central part is a combination of black and red. If we divide it in half we have the bottom combination blue corresponding to black. The top half is yellow corresponding to red. The flame going upward is connected to yellow turning red and becomes white. In its outer rim there is a thin line of red that diffuses creating a red circular glow. This example represents the combination of black + red + white. The corresponding symbolism of unity is when a capable recipient for conception [black] with blood [red] comes into contact with sperm [white] fertilization takes place giving birth to illumination. The correspondence is the idea of the cosmic Big Bang theory or electromagnetism.
In the context of human procreation the same combined colors apply. The color black represents womb and when sperm [white] joins blood [red] it ignites or triggers and a baby reveals itself or the revelation of a physical form visibly appears. In other words, Lukumí beliefs are consistent with Quantum Theory and Electromagnetism. Also, the correlation to Hermes-Alchemy of the alchemical marriage or as above, as below, would not be a stretch of the imagination.
Lukumí believes that priesthood ordination constitutes a rebirth process. The person returns to spirit, enters the womb [igbodu] where the new physical form is created, and upon cyclical completion or the idea of the Big Bang, revelation of form appears as a symbol of illumination. Wearing white during cyclical completion, which is a composition of the primary colors in their illuminated form, correlates with the principles of the planetary and earth formations. Although the color white is interpreted as a repellent its energy on the body is a symbol of symmetry, e.g. the mirror effect, reflecting its energy back to sun and moon in direct correlation with the idea of as above, as below. The introduction of another color alteration effects the overall vibrational and alchemical balance that has been calibrated during the cyclical ordination process. A woman may birth a newborn but free-will [ori] alterations during the development can birth a child with deficiencies or defects. The old symbology of orisha colors is a compelling reason not to change tradition on the basis of modernism.
Oba Pichardo 12-1-13